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Kaptro Scryor

by Liv Nixon

Click on the thumbnail above to see the original paper.

It was 9:00 AM as I started packing a book bag for an adventure that could change my life forever. I filled my backpack with a mirror book, my iPhone 5, a notebook, a pencil, and my lucky Indian coin. I stepped on the ostium cloth and appeared to be at HQ. I took out the mirror and said,

“Show me in 2 hours.” A glowing light came from the mirror and showed me battling some ugly old guy. I ignored it, and followed a path from the beach to a huge castle. I met some new friends and had a great time until 12:00 P.M came. Everyone started screaming, I grabbed a sword from a shop nearby and went closer.

“Holy cow!” I exclaimed. There was the ugly old guy I was talking about earlier! I saw other people fighting, so I joined in. We fought and fought until this guy got sucked into a mirror. We all high fived for a while. Finally, I pipped up the courage to talk to some teenagers, they where nice. (Weird names though, like Jax and Cletus) At 4:15 P.M I gave the mirror back and everything was normal again.

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